I wanted to let a few days pass to see the reactions to the incident before writing my interpretation and my opinions on the matter.
Just like in the previous entry about Trump, I will deal with it in two parts: what I see as the facts, that is things that are not subject to interpretation, and then I will put my opinion, my assumptions and my prejudices.
The facts
In terms of diplomatic uses and customs, nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't remember any meeting between presidents where agreements or disagreements were not previously discussed - in private - and then a joint statement was made to the press.
The normal thing has always been that summits are held to sign something that has already been previously agreed. I can't remember a case in which two presidents have met to "talk" in front of the press in an improvised manner and without any prior agreement.
Another very strange thing was the presence of the vice president of the United States at the meeting, actively participating in the conversation. Never before in the United States has a vice president - whose position is mostly decorative while the president is in office - participated in such a way in a summit.
I think that this role of the vice president says something about Trump's senility, which will become more noticeable as time goes by, but anyway, that is just my opinion. Time will tell.
Finally, Vance's intervention was what caused the meeting to get out of control, as if they were arguing in a bar and in front of the entire press he said a reproach to Zelensky that triggered the dynamic, which nobody wanted. Because up to that point Trump was very gentlemanly.
Anyway Zelensji was also constantly provoking with his words, without letting himself be overwhelmed by Trump or by hostile questions from the press.
Many ordinary people among Trump's lovers will see these things as a "clever strategy" of his, they are not able to realize that the results are what measure the success or failure of a strategy or negotiation.
There was not "strategy" at all. It was is simply an improvised talking that got out of control, both on the part of Trump, Vance and also Zelensky.
Because Mr. Volodymyr is not a guy who gets lost in the fields of meekness, and while Vance was reprimanding him he clearly muttered "cyka" which means "bitch" in Ukrainian. Something that was recorded for everyone to see.
We must remember that Zelensky was not intimidated when he had a 40 km long armoured column on the way to Kiev. Remember that "I don't need a ride, I need more ammunition".
And that while a Spetenatz commando was looking for him in kyiv to kill him, he took a photo in the main square.
In short, the facts can be summed up like this:
Fact 1, the meeting was improvised and without any prior agenda.
Fact 2, Vice President J.D. Vance - who had nothing to do there - provoked Zelensky.
Fact 3, he answered him rudely, Trump came out to defend his official and everything got out of control.
Fact 4, the summit turned into a kind of drunken brawl in a bar.
In my opinion, these are objective, real facts, which can be discussed by Trump lovers who will always look for the fifth leg of the cat to defend their love, but in my opinion they are not subject to discussion.
Now I will move on to my opinions, which could be right or wrong, who knows.
My interpretation
I think the United States obtained nothing. If they wanted to harm Selensky, it would have been much more efficient to cut off all aid and - above all - lift economic sanctions on Russia. That would have been a serious blow to Ukraine!
The summit was not necessary, the United States had nothing to gain and much to lose from this show. The United States is indeed the richest country, and militarily the most powerful, but it is light years away from being "owner of the world."
The true strength of the United States from the post-war period until today has been based on its alliances.
If the United States were the owner of the world, then China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, the Houthis, Hamas, Afghanistan, etc. etc. would be democracies. We are light years away from that, countries in this century are only as strong as their alliances.
The two triggers
I think there are two causes for what happened. The first is that because of his age, Trump must rely unusually on Vice President Vance, Musk and other somewhat sinister types who are slowly taking control of things.
The second trigger of what happened is that Donald Trump has a mistaken idea about himself and overestimates his own capabilities. He is convinced that his presence and his "negotiating skills" are enough to achieve what he wants.
But his performance in international relations says otherwise. Let us remember that his meeting with Kim Jong-Un and this meeting with Selensky have not been successful. They are two failures in a row.
In both cases he achieved nothing, North Korea the day after the useless meeting was carrying out missile tests. Let us remember that this time it was also without an agenda, a kind of reality show that amused everyone but achieved nothing
I have not seen a single government in the world - apart from the three or four Russian stalwarts - that has supported Trump and accused Zelensky, not a single one. On the contrary, the sympathy of the governments is overwhelmingly on the side of Ukraine.
Trump is being blackmailed
Trump's alignment with the Russian government leaves me with no doubt that he is being blackmailed, I see no other logical explanation for him weakening the United States in this way. Time will tell and perhaps later we will see some pathetic porn movie or something like that.
I don't like to play the fortune teller and go around announcing things about the future that no one can predict, and these days almost everyone believes they have a crystal ball and assures us what will happen with great certainty.
But I can say what I think about the things that are happening and the consequences that all this could have. Still, there is a lot of opinion in this and it is useless to discuss it too much, so don't get angry if I don't answer some of those sure predictions. Here we are pure opinion makers, nothing more.
I just watched an interview with Trump where he says he doesn't believe he called Zelensky a dictator, "did I said that? I can't believe I said that." Well, he did say it, albeit obliquely, but now he's starting to do the Michael Jackson step backwards.
In that same interview he added that he "has great appreciation" for Vladimir Putin and also for Zelensky!
All this points to what I thought from the beginning: it's a situation that neither Trump nor Zelensky wanted, it was provoked by Vance's blunder and both Trump and Zelensky let themselves be dragged along.
Now both Trump and Zelensky are putting cold cloths on the matter. It's a lesson in how international relations should not be handled.
Especially seeing the violent reaction of Europe in favor of Ukraine. Someone more or less ignorant could think that Europe has nothing to do with this and that the United States can do what it wants without considering them.
He is wrong, the majority of US military power is in its bases in Europe, which could easily be expelled if things get ugly.
In that case, the United States would be left without arms and its ability to act in the world would be greatly weakened.
In the end, things are as they are. If Trump now cuts off all aid to Ukraine,he would be left without a single partner in Europe, we can already see this from the reaction. If the European governments had joined Trump, then this meeting would have made sense, but we already saw what happened.
Anyway, Trump came out of a reality show and from what he is doing it seems that he has turned the White House into a reality show, we will see how all this ends.